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  • Online Jewish ResourcesOur Knowledgebase covers every area of Judaism, and gives you the Jewish spin on all other areas too! Information, tools, blogs, how-to wizards, multimedia, stories, women's and kids sections and so much more... Read More
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  • The TanyaA Tanya that’s a joy to learn! Read More
  • What Is the Jewish Approach to the Apocrypha?The 24 books of the Bible were
    canonized by the Anshei Knesset Hagedolah. Any later works are not
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Shabbat & Holidays
Candle Lighting Times
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Weekly Torah Portion
Upcoming Holiday
Oct. 2 - Oct. 4
Daily Thought
Know as clear as day and contemplate this deeply, that He who emanates all into being is He who rules and judges this world. In the heavens above and on the earth below, there is nothing else. (Deut. 4:39) The same G‑d who transcends all time and space is the same G‑d manifest in all the forces and fields of physics. The same G‑d from whom all existence emerges is the same G‑d who conceals that truth from every conscious being, providing space for each one to be that which it is. The same G‑d from whom all life extends is the same G‑d who restrains that energy, with kindness, so that finite creatures can exist, to the tiniest worm hiding in the bowels of the earth. And when you know all this, and you contemplate...